"repositories": [{
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://dmg-satis.net"
Add this Satis repository to your composer.json
DMG AI Tools
Enhancements for the standard Apple News plugins
Tools to modify the blocks output for Atex
This plugin allows other plugins to use the AWS SDK included.
WP CLI commands for DMG Media
Use a custom post meta to generate the permalink and possibly remove unwanted words from it to keep your URLs concise.
Combine multiple image into one.
Custom Image Cropping
Register and manage arbitrary JSON configurations using WordPress custom post types
DMG Liveblog plugin
Provides feeds of content to MSN
Provide content feeds for MSN
Provide support for gallery posts in MSN
WordPress framework to permit self-service newsletter management
Send your post content to Thomson Reuters' Open Calais Intelligent Tagging API to get suggested tags you can use in the CMS.
Tools to embed the DMG privacy notice
Provide content feeds to ProRata
Framework for managing a puzzle section using a custom post type.
Enhancements for the core Query Loop block
Registers Post Meta for Structured Data Reviews
Publish post content to Sailthru.
Provides feeds of content to Samsung
Enhancements for the TaxoPress Pro plugin
Register a block to create page layouts using tiles
Utilities to support DMG Tolkein integration
Fork of Jetpack widget visibility
Register a post type and taxonomy support for ingested wires
Connect to CHP and push the usage stats back to their systems
Premium SSO Plugin from MiniOrange
This Composer repository is powered by Satis 1.0.0-dev